
Fat Cap Brick, Masonry & Concrete

Fat Cap Brick, Masonry & Concrete
Hotsy's easy-to-use liquid graffiti remover
The #1 alternative to sand blasting or painting over unsightly graffiti. Designed for use on exterior brick, masonry and concrete surfaces. Hotsy Fat Cap Graffiti Remover - Brick and Concrete cleaner is deep peListrating and fast acting for effective and thorough loosening of spray paint graffiti and easy removal of the graffiti from the surface being treated.
Fat Cap Brick, Masonry & Concrete Recommended Applications/Uses:

- Concrete
- Brick

- Masonry 
- Stone
- Painted Masonry

- Painted Stone
SKU Fat_Cap_Brick_Masonry_Concrete


Hotsy's #1 choice for cleaning food preparation areas
A special emulsifying formula with high powered bleach for food processing plants. Excellent on tough odors, stains, dirt, oils and fats left behind on equipment, floors, and walls. NSF recognized for use in Federally Inspected food plants.
Carbochlor Recommended Applications/Uses:

- Packing Plants
- Farm Industry
- Veterinarians
- Food Industry

- Agriculture
- Stainless Steel
- Seafood Oils/Fish
- Mold/Mildew
- Grease/Oils
- Aluminum
- Crates/Pens
- Baked on Carbon
- Animal Fats
- Floors/Walls
- Tough Odors
- Dirt/Stains
SKU Carbochlor
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